The storage and handling of flammable and combustable liquids

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All electric's suitable for haz.zonesAS1940 - 3.3

The following requirements shall apply to both electrical equipment and installations in areas designated as hazardous areas under AS/NZS 2430:

  1. Electrical installations
    All electrical installations shall be installed in compliance with the provisions of S/NZS 3000 that relate to electrical equipment in hazardous locations. The equipment shall be of a type certified to comply with the relevant Australian Standard or that has been approved for use in such locations by the relevant authority.
  2. Portable and mobile electrical equipment All electrical equipment to which AS/NZS 3000 does not apply shall be of a type certified to comply with the relevant Australian Standard or that has been approved for use in such locations by the relevant authority, except where Item (c) below applies.
  3. Electric forklift trucksi n hazardous areas classified as Zone 2, electric forklift trucks and similar vehicles (e.g. stackers) not suitable for use in the Zone shall not be used except where
    Appendix D is complied with in all respects. NOTE: Requirements for electric forklift trucks for use in hazardous zones are specified in AS 1915.
Vent outlet location (4m above ground)AS1940 5.4.4

5.4.4 Vent outlet location

The discharge point of a vent shall comply with the following requirements:

  1. The vent discharge point shall be located laterally at least 4 m for flammable liquids and 2 m for combustible liquids from any opening into a building, e.g., window, door, ventilator, airconditioner or a mechanical vent intake to reduce the possibility of the entry of nuisance vapour. The vent shall be located such that the opening into a building shall be outside the hazardous zone specified in the relevant part of AS/NZS 2430.3.

    NOTE: The vent for any above-ground tank may discharge at a point at least 150 mm above the top of the tank, provided that other requirements for tank and vent locations are met.
  2. The vent discharge point shall be located at least 4 m above ground level except for direct-vented tanks of Categories 1 or 2.
  3. Where the tank is to be filled by gravity flow from a tank vehicle, the vent discharge point for the tank shall be at least 4 m above ground level at the fill point and in all circumstances shall be higher than the tank vehicle.
  4. Where a Category 1 to 5 tank is to be filled by pumping from a tank vehicle—
    1. the vent pipe or overfill point shall terminate in view of the filling operator; or
    2. the tank shall be fitted with a high level alarm audible to the filling operator. Notwithstanding other requirements in this Clause, a vent provision may be connected to a vapour recovery or collection system.
    NOTE: When filling rates are high, the velocity of the discharging vapour may be high enough to carry it a considerable distance. In such cases, particular attention should be paid to direction of discharge, to vapour diffusion and to potential ignition sources, especially for flammable liquid.
Safety procedures for all activitiesAS1940 7.6.2

7.6.2 Procedures

Operating procedures shall take into account the following:

  1. The prevention of smoking or any other ignition sources within 3 m of any point where flammable liquid might be exposed, particularly when receiving or dispensing.
  2. The need to switch off a vehicle’s engine while refuelling.
  3. Any possibility that vapour from a flammable liquid fill or vent pipe could reach an internal pilot flame on a campervan or caravan if the appliance vent has been badly located in relation to the filler (in such cases it is necessary to turn off the pilot before filling). 
  4. The prevention of overfilling and spillage when storage tanks are being replenished.
  5. The maintenance of fill and dip caps in a liquid-tight condition.
  6. The suitability of containers being filled at dispensers for use, i.e. container condition and material, the presence of an effective cap, correct labelling. Containers shall not be filled when inside a vehicle compartment (see also Clause 7.6.3). 
  7. Specific instructions that do not allow the filling of plastic containers that do not comply with AS/NZS 2906 or equivalent Standard. 
  8. Risks when cleaning parts with flammable liquid. 
  9. Procedures to be followed in the event of spillage, and particularly the spillage of flammable liquid on clothing. 
  10. Risks when draining fuel tanks, particularly over inspection pits.
  11. Precautions for hot work on vehicle fuel tanks.
  12. Safety of electrical equipment used in pits.
  13. Floors shall not be washed with flammable liquid.
  14. Emergency clean-up equipment shall be available in case of spillage.
  15. Persons under the age of 15 years shall be prevented from operating fuel dispensers.
  16. Precautions for working in confined spaces.
  17. Training in the use of emergency equipment and maintenance of appropriate records.

7.6.3 Filling of containers at dispensers

Flammable liquids shall not be filled from a service station’s fuel dispenser into a container unless—

  1. the capacity of the container is not greater than 25 L; and 
  2. the container complies with AS/NZS 2906 or equivalent Standard, or is substantially leakproof, metal, and has a tight-fitting closure; or
  3. the container is an approved portable fuel tank for a boat. Any container shall be on the ground whilst being filled, and not in a car boot or the back of a utility vehicle.

NOTE: Approved portable fuel tanks for boats may be filled in situ.

Fuel dispensing general requirementsAS1940 7.2

7.2.1 Storage method

Any flammable or combustible liquid in quantities exceeding those dealt with in Section 2 shall be kept in package stores or tanks in accordance with Sections 3, 4 and 5 as appropriate.

7.2.2 High-level tanks

Any tank which is so situated as to produce a gravity head at the dispenser shall be equipped with a fail-safe solenoid valve or other equally effective device which shuts off the supply at the tank outlet except when the dispenser is in use. Where the tank is either Category 1 or 2 and there is no metering dispenser, a manual shut-off valve shall be provided at the tank.

7.2.3 Gaseous fuels

Where gaseous fuels for vehicles are stored, handled and dispensed on the premises, the following provisions shall be observed:

  1. AS/NZS 1596 for LP Gas. 
  2. AS 3961 for LNG. 
  3. AG 901 for CNG.

7.2.4 Emergency power cut-off

A clearly identified switch or circuit-breaker which will enable the power to be shut off to all dispensing units shall be provided at a location remote from any dispensing unit and easily accessible in an emergency.

NOTE: Consideration should be given to incorporating a single emergency stop that would shut off all fuel dispensing.

7.2.5 Signs

A prominent sign on or near the dispenser shall be marked in letters at least 50 mm high as follows:


The international symbol for ‘smoking prohibited’ may be used in lieu of the words ‘no smoking’. The words ‘no flames, pilot lights or mobile phones’ may also be added.

7.2.6 Hazardous zones

The hazardous zones for dispensers as defined in the AS/NZS 2430.3 series differentiate between petrol and LP Gas so care should be taken to consider the interrelation of the two zones where both fuels are being dispensed.

Bollard protection or knock over valveAS1940 8.2.4

8.2.4 Collision protection

A tank vehicle filling facility shall be protected against damage from vehicles and forklift trucks by a guard rail, traffic bollards or other physical barriers.

Fire extinguisher requirementsAS1940 11.7.1

11.7.1 Location of extinguishers

The positions of extinguishers shall be chosen to optimize access in an emergency. The following considerations should be taken into account:

  1. At least one powder-type extinguisher should be at ground level at each loading position. For a top-loading installation at least one additional powder-type extinguisher should be at the loading platform.
  2. All foam type extinguishers should be at ground level within 10 m of the loading point.
  3. Locations should be on approach or exit paths.
  4. Access to any extinguisher should not be vulnerable to blockage by a fire.
Customer operated nozzleAS1940 7.4.2

7.4.2 Customer-operated nozzles

The delivery nozzle for flammable liquids dispenser that is intended to be operated by a customer shall not have a latching device. No item, e.g. fuel cap, keys or any other device, shall be used to hold open a customer-operated nozzle.

Emergency stops clearly markedAS1940 7.2.4

A clearly identified switch or circuit-breaker which will enable the power to be shut off to all dispensing units shall be provided at a location remote from any dispensing unit and easily accessible in an emergency.

NOTE: Consideration should be given to incorporating a single emergency stop that would shut off all fuel dispensing.

Safety instructions on dispensersAS1940 7.3.5

7.3.5 Unsupervised self-service systems

Any dispenser that is operated by a customer by means of currency or other means of payment, e.g. credit card, shall comply with the requirements of this Clause (7.3.5) as appropriate, and the following:

  1. The dispenser hose shall be shorter than the distance from the dispenser to the nearest building or to the nearest boundary of an adjacent property.
  2. The area around the dispenser and the payment unit shall be lit in accordance with Clause 3.5 at all times during which the unit is available for service.
  3. The installation shall include an emergency shut-down device having the following functions or features:
    1. When activated, the emergency device shall shut off the dispenser pump and transmit an alarm to a person or organization capable of responding. NOTE: It may also be used to release the access to the fire extinguishers (see Clause 11.9).
    2. It shall be readily accessible, and shall be integral with or adjacent to the currency or card receptor.
    3. It shall be protected from vandalism or unwarranted operation by a break-glass screen or equivalent.
    4. A notice shall be displayed, giving instructions on how to operate the device in the event of a major spill or fire.
No smoking signs displayedAS1940 7.2.5 and 3.8.2

7.2.5 Signs
A prominent sign on or near the dispenser shall be marked in letters at least 50 mm high as follows:


The international symbol for ‘smoking prohibited’ may be used in lieu of the words ‘no smoking’. The words ‘no flames, pilot lights or mobile phones’ may also be added.

3.8.2 Signs and notices
At the entrance to any storage area greater than minor storage, the following signs shall be displayed:

  2. For flammable liquids, a Class label and Subsidiary risk label (if any).
  3. For combustible liquids, a COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID sign.

The following signs should be placed at the entrance(s) to the premises:

  2. A sign listing the emergency contact names, titles and phone numbers relevant to the installation.
  3. The name, address and phone number of the occupier.
  4. A layout diagram showing the location of fixed fire protection facilities (where installed), the drainage system and the ‘Emergency Stop’ switch. Where two or more points of access are adjacent to each other so that a single set of signs and notices are clearly readable from each point of access, duplicate signs and notices are not required.

Signs shall comply with AS 1319. Class labels shall conform to AS 1216 and be a minimum of 250 mm square. Other signs shall have lettering at least 50 mm high. NOTE: Composite signs or pictographs complying with the above requirements may be used.

Vent terminal (protection and flamer arrester)AS1940 5.4.5

5.4.5 Vent terminals

The discharge end of a vent shall be protected from the ingress of foreign material by means of a protective cage or fitting. Where a tank contains flammable liquid and the vapour within the ullage space of the tank is within explosive limits, a flame arrester or similar device shall be fitted. Any such protective cage, flame arrester or other means shall not reduce the required effective vent area or create undue back-pressure within the tank.

NOTE: A flame arrester incorporating a bronze or stainless steel wire mesh having openings not greater than 600 μm is acceptable.